pancake kingdom

posted by ricky sobran

An 90s under construction GIF

pancake kingdom

this website is my little pancake kingdom, which contains the most treasured item in the whole galaxy...ricky's zine! why is this wonderfully magical zine inside of a kingdom consisting of pancakes? well, because...because pancakes are cool, and this zine is also very cool.

nyan cat

meow meow meow pancakes are very yummy

do not eat the pancakes you see. they are alive. this is an ancient galaxy, the pancakes are alive. they are aliens, as you would say. but they are not green, or anything like that, but round and fluffy and beautiful.

nyan cat

further into the chambers...

the ancient overlord nyan cat, keeps this zine very well protected. is thou worthy of witnessing thy zine? perchance, we will have to see. have access to this mystical pancake realm so i assume you are worthy

i will now tell you a bit about what this zine will contain, and where inspiration for it comes from. it discusses some of the biggest topics my thoughts focus on and have been focusing on for years, like fitting in, feeling apart of a community, and overall my idenity, and a little bit on the idenity of others too. i felt inspired by reading other zines people have made, and the stories about themselves or niche topics they discuss, all of it made me feel like i could also create my own and share a little piece of who i am. my main area of focus for zines i looked at centered around being queer, and the community built around it, especially the punk scene, i enjoyed researching that scen quite a lot and seeing the creations and people that are so alive and thriving inside. i adore scrapbooking and doing research into queer history, so i thought what better to do for thi sproject than to create a zine for it?

ricky's zine!

who am i? wanna reach out?